Turn Esports Wins into Dollars for Your Game

Turn Esports Wins into Dollars for Your Game

April 19, 2021
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Esports is the fastest-growing entertainment segment in the world. The esports landscape may feel vast and fluid, but that is a fact. Even now, among a lingering conversation of whether they should be part of the seasonal Olympics, Rod Breslau keenly notes in a recent Quartz article that “gamers don’t need to be on TV to show how cool or legitimate the (video game streaming) industry is.” The numbers speak for themselves.

Newzoo reports that “Asia-Pacific (APAC), North America, and Europe are the top three esports markets” both from an audience and revenue aspect. And they project esports will bring in close to $2 billion by 2022, worldwide, with Latin America as one of the fastest-growing regions for revenue to take note of. And we’re not even delving into the skyrocketing popularity of mobile games and the corresponding competition scene it will undoubtedly yield.

If you already have an esports title, a competitive games streaming platform or you’re an esports event organizer, it’s almost a guarantee that you will have an audience interested in the tournaments you want to run. This is especially true now, as many events are online-only and people watch more and more content on a variety of devices.

But a few challenges still remain for esports events, like how to:

  • Increase viewership and long-term engagement
  • Efficiently monetize the gameplay experiences so you can keep creating and reinvest in great content
  • Find a simple way to process transactions safely and securely, around the world

Deliver exciting content for your audience – and players

Video game tournaments are certainly exciting all on their own, and the championship prizes and competitive gameplay are great reasons for skilled players to engage in esports. But when you add exclusive or premium access on top of that, it’s like rolling out the red carpet for your viewers, too. And you don’t have to stop with just your viewers.

With our new Xsolla Esports solution, you can upgrade the experience for both your audience and players by offering premium content such as access to your streaming platform, season passes for a specific game or time period, and loyalty rewards. Rewarding your top players is obvious – but think about how you can also engage your more casual competitors. Incentives for returning to compete or watch matches can help increase competitors’ satisfaction as well as viewership hours.

Monetize the fan experience so it’s a win-win for you and them

Running and broadcasting esport tournaments is no easy feat, nor is it cheap. It’s smart to invest back into your business by diversifying your revenue streams. The online tournament experience can be just as engaging and monetarily rewarding as in-person events. Maybe even more so, because you won’t have to worry about large physical crowds yet still be able to reach audiences around the world. And you can build excitement and anticipation for your digital content with viewer rewards, multi-tiered subscription programs, merchandise, and so much more.

With our solution, you can build a dedicated hub where your community can gather and connect with you and each other. Once there, you can offer them pathways to gain exclusive access to your platform or other digital content, like emotes, badges, VC/VI, and even real-world items. Let viewers subscribe for a month, a year, or an entire season pass, so they can enjoy the content they want on their terms. Bundle individual offerings for your newer viewers, but remember to reward your longstanding supporters with unique items, too.

Grow your esports brand with peace of mind

By elevating the gameplay experience for everyone, you will be able to captivate viewers and professional players alike. And regardless of whether your ultimate goal is to dominate the global esports landscape or manage smaller tournaments online for a niche audience, you’ll need a secure method for transactions and payments management.

You need a trusted partner to take care of the financial details so that you can focus on producing the content, and that’s where we can come in to help. With Xsolla’s expertise in global commerce and leading anti-fraud measures, you would be able to both accept currencies from around the world and also safely process payments online. The net result is an expanded global reach for your brand online with fewer headaches and more revenue.

The future of esports is bright

The positive neurocognitive impact of certain genres of video games is similar to other activities such as chess, which means that esports are here to stay. As we all watch the competitive games industry take further shape in future years, you can take advantage of the current tools at your disposal to create the kind of content that can give you both short and long-term results — and maybe even influence the direction of the industry, yourself.

FACEIT, a leading competitive gaming platform for online multiplayer PvP games, created a subscription-based payment platform and accepted virtual currencies. Within four years, they saw a 1250% increase in traffic on their site. They now have more than eight million users and twelve million online gaming sessions each month.

How to get started

  1. Download our one-pager. Learn how we can help you:
  2. Create the ultimate esports experience for players and fans
  3. Build on your viewer base and attract skilled players for competitive gameplay
  4. Elevate gameplay to promote your brand


Partner with Xsolla. We know that planning your revenue model doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why teaming up with a partner like us is valuable. We understand the unique challenges of esports and video game commerce and can help you navigate them — so you can focus on what you do best.

New to Xsolla? Get started by contacting a dedicated Xsolla Account Manager to chat about the best strategy for your esports goals.

Esports is the fastest-growing entertainment segment in the world. The esports landscape may feel vast and fluid, but that is a fact. Even now, among a lingering conversation of whether they should be part of the seasonal Olympics, Rod Breslau keenly notes in a recent Quartz article that “gamers don’t need to be on TV to show how cool or legitimate the (video game streaming) industry is.” The numbers speak for themselves.

Newzoo reports that “Asia-Pacific (APAC), North America, and Europe are the top three esports markets” both from an audience and revenue aspect. And they project esports will bring in close to $2 billion by 2022, worldwide, with Latin America as one of the fastest-growing regions for revenue to take note of. And we’re not even delving into the skyrocketing popularity of mobile games and the corresponding competition scene it will undoubtedly yield.

If you already have an esports title, a competitive games streaming platform or you’re an esports event organizer, it’s almost a guarantee that you will have an audience interested in the tournaments you want to run. This is especially true now, as many events are online-only and people watch more and more content on a variety of devices.

But a few challenges still remain for esports events, like how to:

  • Increase viewership and long-term engagement
  • Efficiently monetize the gameplay experiences so you can keep creating and reinvest in great content
  • Find a simple way to process transactions safely and securely, around the world

Deliver exciting content for your audience – and players

Video game tournaments are certainly exciting all on their own, and the championship prizes and competitive gameplay are great reasons for skilled players to engage in esports. But when you add exclusive or premium access on top of that, it’s like rolling out the red carpet for your viewers, too. And you don’t have to stop with just your viewers.

With our new Xsolla Esports solution, you can upgrade the experience for both your audience and players by offering premium content such as access to your streaming platform, season passes for a specific game or time period, and loyalty rewards. Rewarding your top players is obvious – but think about how you can also engage your more casual competitors. Incentives for returning to compete or watch matches can help increase competitors’ satisfaction as well as viewership hours.

Monetize the fan experience so it’s a win-win for you and them

Running and broadcasting esport tournaments is no easy feat, nor is it cheap. It’s smart to invest back into your business by diversifying your revenue streams. The online tournament experience can be just as engaging and monetarily rewarding as in-person events. Maybe even more so, because you won’t have to worry about large physical crowds yet still be able to reach audiences around the world. And you can build excitement and anticipation for your digital content with viewer rewards, multi-tiered subscription programs, merchandise, and so much more.

With our solution, you can build a dedicated hub where your community can gather and connect with you and each other. Once there, you can offer them pathways to gain exclusive access to your platform or other digital content, like emotes, badges, VC/VI, and even real-world items. Let viewers subscribe for a month, a year, or an entire season pass, so they can enjoy the content they want on their terms. Bundle individual offerings for your newer viewers, but remember to reward your longstanding supporters with unique items, too.

Grow your esports brand with peace of mind

By elevating the gameplay experience for everyone, you will be able to captivate viewers and professional players alike. And regardless of whether your ultimate goal is to dominate the global esports landscape or manage smaller tournaments online for a niche audience, you’ll need a secure method for transactions and payments management.

You need a trusted partner to take care of the financial details so that you can focus on producing the content, and that’s where we can come in to help. With Xsolla’s expertise in global commerce and leading anti-fraud measures, you would be able to both accept currencies from around the world and also safely process payments online. The net result is an expanded global reach for your brand online with fewer headaches and more revenue.

The future of esports is bright

The positive neurocognitive impact of certain genres of video games is similar to other activities such as chess, which means that esports are here to stay. As we all watch the competitive games industry take further shape in future years, you can take advantage of the current tools at your disposal to create the kind of content that can give you both short and long-term results — and maybe even influence the direction of the industry, yourself.

FACEIT, a leading competitive gaming platform for online multiplayer PvP games, created a subscription-based payment platform and accepted virtual currencies. Within four years, they saw a 1250% increase in traffic on their site. They now have more than eight million users and twelve million online gaming sessions each month.

How to get started

  1. Download our one-pager. Learn how we can help you:
  2. Create the ultimate esports experience for players and fans
  3. Build on your viewer base and attract skilled players for competitive gameplay
  4. Elevate gameplay to promote your brand


Partner with Xsolla. We know that planning your revenue model doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why teaming up with a partner like us is valuable. We understand the unique challenges of esports and video game commerce and can help you navigate them — so you can focus on what you do best.

New to Xsolla? Get started by contacting a dedicated Xsolla Account Manager to chat about the best strategy for your esports goals.

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